Saturday, September 4, 2010


via unknown
For anyone who has followed my little scribblings of thoughts here, you know I only write with the most sincere intentions, and nothing less. Those same people might have also noticed that a good majority of these sincerities come from my favorite creative world; movies.
I don't have much time to write these days, but I thought I would share my love with someone....whoever reads this, if any.

So, without further ado, my top 10 movies:
1. Holiday
2. It Happened One Night
3. Shall We Dance (1937)
4. When Harry Met Sally
6. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
7. The Philadelphia Story
8. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
9. Paris, Je Taime
10. The Maltese Falcon

Now this is an incredibly rough rendering. Truth is I probably am forgetting things, and many of these are tied because my top 10 is really more like a top 30. Now buy yourself some popcorn and enjoy.

Friday, September 3, 2010


This is the story of Danny and Annie and their twenty-seven-year romance.
I can not come up with more words for you, their heartbreakingly beautiful story just is...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

so fuck you all

you tried to kill the fire,
but those of us who are inspired, are inspired.
and that comes from a deeper part within that you will never understand.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

on a lighter note

this father and daughter are just too adorable/sweet/cool for school/mustached for their own good.

Friday, July 9, 2010


via ticktackkirsten
When the flood gates open, there is no stopping.
One emotion evokes another, till the trickle of thoughts and memories, lovers and disasters become a burst hydrant shooting to the sky with no help in site until a cute fireman comes for a new beginning.
... anytime now cute fireman, anytime now.

There is relief in knowing and accepting that maybe lost and on a mission is who you are.
I have always wanted a tattoo. Nothing that is blatant for all to see, but some sort of hidden reminder of who I am, and for those who know me more intimately, to know who it is I am. I never knew what I wanted, and now that I do I think I am one step closer to less confusion. Progress? I think so.

I saw the broadway show Next to Normal for the second time tonight.
The words, the lyrics, the music, the acting; it is all simply amazing. I have always loved a more modern musical where the music is more from passion and less from random outbursts in a library with jazz hands flying.
I can't decide whether I should be worried though that I can identify so well with the bipolar mother Alice Ripley so intensely performs. I do not have bipolar disorder, but I have had my own feets with heavy doses of medication. The numbing isolation that your brain seems to lock your heart in as you so badly try to be you but the exhaustion of trying to claw your way out of your own skin walls created by these doctors who believe that the real you is the medicated, droned out, zombie for a soul you.
Yes I would say that I understand.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

via unknown

where does passion go when you loose faith???

what are friends for?

depending on.
a true friend is someone you can depend on for anything and everything
be it laughter
be it dance
be it a meal
be it acceptance
be it understanding
be it to bail you out of jail
be it to help you get into jail
be it adventure
be it even more laughter
be it your eye of truth
be it even more food
be it through sadness and through anger
(ok this is beginning to sound a little preachy)
but i think you have the idea.

Its just nice to know your out there.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stuff No One Told Me

There are some lessons that just get over-looked in the midst of algebra and learning about colonial settlers for the fiftieth time in grade school. Illustrator Alex Noriega's blog takes all these little known truths and reminds us of their existance with his snappy illustrations.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In Between

Love this video. Love its sound. Love its story.
reminds me of me
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