I have been a horrible blogger. I have neglected and hurt our relationship.
This past month has been a whirl wind of stress and excitement. I am currently attempting to work full time along with school so that I can afford to get my first apartment here in the city starting in May. I am constantly exhausted but incredibly excited knowing all that I will have in a few months.
I am actually not officially back from my blogging break, I just had to share this big news with all of you!
If you remember, Eat, Pray, Love completely uprooted my life back in August. Well now the trailer for the movie based on the much loved book has been released! I have to say it does look good, although I pictured Ketut to be generations older and skinnier and Felipe to be a slightly geek chic grayer man (although I cannot complain about staring at Javier Bardem for an hour). Tell me what you guys think!